Costs and duration of divorce mediation Campbell Ca

Divorce Campbell San Jose California

Divorce is not a pleasant process. But this doesn’t mean that the process should have unnecessary emotional, and financial pain because of the legal methods, and costs. Unlike court procedures for divorce, mediation is much cheaper. I’ve heard so many tales about couples who have lost their assets in fighting for divorce. I have seen couples for were fighting for a certain asset ended up being sold in paying legal costs. All of this is financial pain. Just think about the emotional pain when you are struggling in court to get divorced because of some silly reasons. 

Many couples have said that mediation is much cheaper, and a quick way to complete the divorce procedure. Unlike courts, mediation can guide them through every issue they might face during their divorce. Issues like dividing properties, custody of children, alimony, etc can be a real headache. 

How long does the process take?

When you hire a lawyer for a divorce, things might get costly and messy for both parties. Divorce can be very costly, and time-consuming when you hire a lawyer. It might take 3 to 5 times more money, and time. As the court is filled with several cases, the divorce process might take several months to complete.

Unlike the court process, a mediator can help you in all of the processes. This is where a mediator comes. You will have to pay expensive fees and wait for the time of your hearing because of the congested schedule of the court. When you hire a mediator, the cost of the divorce process is much lower than hiring lawyers. In less complicated cases, the mediator can solve the divorce procedure in a matter of weeks.

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In some experienced mediation companies like Santa Clara mediation of divorce, you can complete the divorce process within 3 to 4 weeks. After that, the mediator will send all of your papers to the court, and the judge will take a look at everything you have written, and agreed to. If the court signs it off, both of the parties will be divorced. The process will take less than 6 months.

Negotiation and paperwork can be different according to the complexity of the case. Sometimes, complicated cases can take longer than expected. Sometimes, the mediators will have to make a parenting plan, dividing the properties, and business of the couple, divide the child support, etc. Arranging papers for such cases can be a bit complicated and time-consuming.

How much the process costs?

Even without any complications, hiring a lawyer can be very costly for couples. According to a survey, when both of the parties hire separate lawyers, it can cost them 3 to 4 times than the mediation process. The mediation process costs lower than lawyers because you are dealing with one professional instead of two law firms.


The mediation process is cheaper, efficient, and faster than court processes. Unlike lawyers, mediators will not waste your precious time in useless paperwork and hearings.

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