Filing For A Divorce Without A Lawyer

A lot of people believe that you have to hire lawyers to file for a divorce but this is not true. There are no laws that say you have to hire divorce attorneys to conduct divorce negotiations, and a lot of couples will hire lawyers because they believe that there isn’t a better way. Well here we will explain filing for a divorce without a lawyer.

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Can you File for Divorce yourself?

Yes you can but it can be really complicated. It is really only an option if both you and your spouse are in full agreement to a divorce and that it will be uncontested. You both need to agree on the custody of any children and how you will divide any marital assets.

Basically your divorce needs to be very straight forward and “cut and dried” if you are to be successful filing for a divorce without a lawyer and doing it all yourself. The problem is that most marriages do not end in this way and there are complexities that you will need professional advice about before you can move forward.

Filing for a divorce on your own is a lot of hard work and there will be lots of negotiations required and a lot of paperwork to complete. You will need to be prepared to learn a lot and spend considerable time on this.

Filing for a Divorce without a Lawyer using Mediation

A lot of people do not even know that they can use a divorce mediator to help them with their divorce settlement. Both spouses will work with a professional mediator who will facilitate the necessary discussions and encourage both parties to decide on the best way forward for them and their children.

How does Divorce Mediation help?

Every divorce situation has issues that need to be resolved and an experienced mediator will assist here. They can help you to agree a parenting plan which details each spouse’s parental responsibilities and the sharing of the children involved.

A divorce mediator can assist with the determination of child support payments that will be necessary to care for the children. The will also help with the division of any marital assets and marital liabilities and use their experience to settle any disputes in this area.

Divorce mediators can help with other divorce issues such as alimony or spousal support payments, the religion that your children need to follow, who will take care of the family cat or dog and many other problems.

A Cheaper and Quicker way of Filing for a Divorce without a Lawyer

Divorce mediation is usually a lot less expensive and a lot quicker than hiring divorce attorneys and going through the courts. To start with you only have to pay one mediator and not two lawyers there are no court costs.

Then there is the time factor. When you decide to mediate your divorce you will be in control of how long the process takes. On average you will be looking at one to four months for the divorce mediation process. A litigated divorce can literally take years. First you have to deal with attorneys negotiating and then you have to wait a long time for a court date.

A Mutually Agreed Settlement

When you are filing for a divorce without a lawyer it is very important that the divorce settlement is agreeable to both spouses. With litigation you can often have decisions imposed on you which neither of you like which is another reason why not using lawyers and the courts is attractive.

You will be involved in the agreement when you use a divorce mediator. The mediator will ensure that you have had your say and are happy with the final outcome. In this way both spouses and the children win.

Our experienced mediators want to help you with filing for a divorce without a lawyer.

Call Us Today For A Complimentary Consulatation  408.499.5062

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